The girls over at Six Six Sick wrote the sweet few words about us, as we helped them dress for Chictopia 10 Confrence during Fashion Week. Check it out!
Fringles and The B.W.C.B Tee by The B.W.C.B.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
ja tem
Marc Jacobs Hoodie.
nothing better that late nights at The Sweet Ones.
With a help of our friend, Micaela McLucas ( ) we had a walk-in-the-park photo session. This may be a preview of our look book.
On Hiraku: Red B.W.C.B.Tee and Red Laced Hood by The Bitches With Cigarette Burns
On Hiraku: The B.W.C.B.Tee (full length see-through T-shirt) The T-shirt was also worn by the Six Six Sick girls (Tiffany and Christina ) during New York Fashion Week